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ÅtayatÉ - Pierres de Cohérence®

Cohérence® Necklace with Christ'all for Animals - Tiger's Eye, Dragon Vein Agate, Hematite

Cohérence® Necklace with Christ'all for Animals - Tiger's Eye, Dragon Vein Agate, Hematite

Regular price €145,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €145,00 EUR
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Measurement in cm

This Coherence Stone Bead Necklace is designed with ultra-resistant elastic, allowing it to withstand any tension.

The Christ'all are complementary to the Coherence Stones.

They bring a connection to the blue Christ'all of the Pleiades, which will help our animals to reconnect with divine light.

It promotes the emergence of the higher self.

Animals who wear this Christ'all demonstrate more awareness, more listening, greater self-awareness and also of their place in space (in their siblings, in their family, etc.). They facilitate connection to the worlds of humans in their understanding and communication.

The ÅtayatÉ Stones use the principles of the coherence fields of the universe, epigenetics, quantum physics and the principles of unified physics. Thanks to this, they are capable of creating powerful fields of resonance and frequencies which act both on the crystalline grid of the stone and on the energy fields of the living beings who wear them.

Their goal is to establish balance and harmony within these energy systems.

The ÅtayatÉ Stones of Coherence act by resonating with every living individual. They also act as frequency regulators, helping to restore and balance disturbed frequencies in living bodies. Additionally, they are capable of increasing the levels of frequency fields and harmonics, thus contributing to the expansion and alignment of the different planes of manifested and unmanifested existence.

It can be worn daily for continued consistency.

The benefits of Coherence Stones® for animals are the same as for human beings, they are therefore multiple:

🐾 Stress Reduction: The resonance field of the Coherence Stones helps soothe your pet's nervous system, promoting a state of calm in the face of stressful situations.

🐾 Emotional Balance: Your pet also has emotions, and its coherence pendant can help it find emotional balance, promoting a calmer and more serene attitude.

🐾 Improved Overall Health: Coherence pendants promote animal health by stimulating their vital energy. The properties of ÅtayatÉ stones support the immune system, relieve joint pain and encourage cell regeneration.

🐾 Improved Self-Confidence: They strengthen their connection with Universal Coherence, with the Living, which brings deep inner confidence and a calm attitude.

🐾 Strengthening the Link: By creating a harmonious resonance between you and your pet, the Coherence Pendant can strengthen the emotional bond and mutual understanding between the two of you.

🐾 Serenity in Difficult Times: When your pet faces transitions or periods of grief, the stones in the pendant can provide comforting energetic support.

🐾 Stimulation of Vitality: Coherence Stones help increase your pet's vitality and energy, giving them back their joy of living.

🐾 Subtle Communication: Coherence facilitates subtle communication between you and your pet, creating a deeper, more intuitive connection.

🐾 Recovery and Relaxation: Coherence Stones help your pet relax and recover more quickly.

Coherence Stones are a valuable contribution to the overall well-being of our furry companions. Their use brings real benefits, both physically and emotionally, thus promoting a fulfilling and harmonious relationship between you and your animal.

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